
Showing posts from March, 2018

Moving to surreal and weeeird stuff 「Unit 13」

I'm moving from uncanny to surreal as the topic of the uncanny valley is too intricate Why move to surrealism? Surrealism was what was originally but I had mistaken surrealism for uncanny valley (that and I thought the uncanny valley sounded way cooler than surrealism)      Other reason that surrealism is good because I like the weird things in life

Introduction to fmp 「Unit 13」

----Introduction to my FMP---- The topic-Uncanny The topic I'm looking at is...the uncanny valley cause the point in between stylism and realism as it really close to realism but is also lacking in small ways. Humans have evolved to notice these slight imperfections as a safety mechanism with the result of feeling uneased by it without fully knowing why.