
Showing posts from May, 2018

Secondary research 「Unit 13」

Destino by  The Walt Disney Company I looked at Destino to see how Salvador Dali used perspective within the animation. There are two points that really stood out to me during this animation (2:38) is a bit where the main character goes into a shadow of a bell which looked like her, I liked this part of the animation as I like how Salvador used the shadow of the bell in the bell tower to create a brand new object (being a girl with her arms) as well as the way the character integrated with the shadow as it broke the laws of physics but it seems to fit in. The other part of the animation I liked was (3:51) were an ant looking bug warps into a guy riding a bike (I just notice how the hand slowly turns into hills making it so the person riding the bike is riding.on the hill), I like how the ant smoothly transformed into the bike guy (I think their name is Alex) I think something like this could be used in my animation to give it a weird atmo...

Even more secondary research 「Unit 13」

René Magritte I looed René's as to get an idea of what my environment would look like as his artwork makes somthing surreal by adding somthing odd to an normal environment, going with an idea I had of the animtion being set in an area that once was like anyother place but it had been taken over by odd animation. I'm not sure if I will have enough time to make backgrounds as grand as René however I might be able to get away with collage but I would have to do that soon.

Hand drawn Rabbit「Unit 13」

I tried out making a hand drawn animtion of a rabbit turing into a moon (The reason I picked a rabbit and a moon is because of the myth ofthe rabbit on the moon) inspired by the and to bike scene in Destino (link here .) For the antiomation I drew the frames on pieces of paper, with the use ofa lightbox it was alot easier to make (still took long though) then I  uploaded the frames onto Photoshop and used the Timeline tool to sort the frames out. I think that the animation went well as it looked like a rabbit jumping and turning into a moon liked planed. There are three main things that I would do to imrove on it and those things are. -Slow down the animation as you don't get that much time to take in the animation -Improve the transetion transition from rabbit to moon as the transition takes 3 frames and they arn't that clear. It's pretty much rabbit mid flip then moon -Look at refrence of a rabbit jummping, this would of sped up the proccese alot as most ofthe time wa...

Rotoscoping 「Unit 13」

I had tried my hand at rotoscoping as I wanted to see how I feel about in a practical setting. I first had to film the movements that I wanted to rotoscope link to the videos here . With the use of a Video I used called 'Hand Squid' as a tester and put it into Photoshop, with the use of the timeline feature and a graphics tablet I pretty much traced a part of the video frame by frame although I didn't think it was that good as I am not used to using a graphics tablet it had given me a clearer vision of what I want to do for the final outcome. I won't be looking to use rotoscope for the final animation however as I didn't like the process of getting live footage of something then animating over it. The link to the animtion is here

MInd Map 「Unit 13」

I had made this really early in the project but due to not being active on the blog I forgot to upload my mind mapto the blog \ Just notice that the text may be too small to read...