Exhibition 「late/Unit 13」(Updated)

The posters for the exhibition are meant to be A2 but mine turned out A3 in the end cause I asked for my poster to be printed in college as  didn't have the money to buy a poster from an external source but forgot to ask for the poster to be in A2
There was no planning the poster as the exhibition stuff was last minute stuff. The poster used already made assets from the animation as it saved time and I was being a tad bit lazy the day I was told about the poster.

The animation
My animation was done on time, however, the size of the animation was too small for the screen that was going to be on display for the exhibition but it turns out that it was an easy problem as you can change the size of the animation.

Setting up the Exhibition
The first set of setting up the exhibition was cleaning the area up this meant, painting the walls white and cleaning the floor. This was planned for the half term but it was later moved over to the first week back as a lack of work had been done.
The progress of work didn't get any better on the other hand as the walls weren't done till the day of the exhibition itself.
[Forgot to take a before shot of the area]

Planning the artwork
The layout of the exhibition wasn't done by me but I was there to see how it was done, it was pretty good for how little time they had grouped the posters by owners although the work didn't have that much space making it so it was a little claustrophobic.
The tape used to put the posters sometimes failed meaning that posters would sometimes drop off the wall during the exhibition but it didn't happen too often that it became a big problem.

The Exhibition
The games and animation part of the exhibition was small compared to every other part of the of the exhibition which shouldn't have shocked me so much as we only had a corner of a small room but shocked I was.

In the end...
In the end, I feel like it went...meh. The work on display on my behalf was small and I feel like it could have done better with a lot of work

The Layout of the posters had changed quite a bit to make the area more spacious. The amount of space we have had been expanded so we can add more posters. I feel like we aren't going to add more but it is nice to have the option

First time at looking at the new layout I though my posters were removed from the area however it was moved to the new space we got and it is all by itself at the moment.
