Pupets and ideas for the background ideas 「Late/Unit 13」

I'm planning on making only using to backgrounds and manipulating (like zooming in on parts or scrolling it) to give a sense of movement without the need to animate much as well as giving you a sense of space

The first part will start from a top of a volcano scrolling down into a woods 
In the woods you will see a scissor bird swoop in and land on a rock make a loud chirp gaining the attention of the natural enemy of all scissor birds, the hand squid. the bird unaware of the squid is flattened and dragged into the water leaving only its head.

To create the effect of the hand squid coming out of the water I will cut the bottom of the pond and put it on the highest layer of the animation making it so everything behind the layer can't be seen till it reaches a certain point.

going to use photoshop as a tool to make parts of the characters move it over to adobe animate and move the different parts to create the illusion of the different parts are one making it so I won't have to redraw the charater for each key frame, so like using a puppet but with extra steps.

I got this idea from an old animation I had made for an IT project about the dangers of smoking (https://youtu.be/vVPG4lkTr8Q), I mostly used this style of animation as I am used to it and know how to work around its limitations


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